
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Productivity: Problems with your Workers? Cheapest Workers is not a solution ¡

Why many medium and small companies have to much problem in their sales, marketing, production, management operations?
A common factor is "cheapest workers", of course, these enterprises it will find search people with low experience and low academic level, because they believe that an optimization rules is low laboral cost.
But this way is sure?
Perhaps some managers believe in that method is the solution over others. However, market said the correct answer: Only in some cases is possible, but in the major cases this is incorrect.
Small and medium peruvian companies, have a cheapest sales force, so they have a low sales level, because the sales agent don´t have the economic balanced stability, so they need search others jobs while working in his currently job.
Even more, other cost, as transportation, customer attention, merchandising, gifts. these are necessary for the salesman and marketing  day to day, but these elements are cost too, so they is not present on the marketing budget for these companies. So, the sales agent is not very productive and only a few salesmen working very hard  to achieving sales goal.
You get the result which pays ¡
If you pay cheap do not complain
Same situation in the small manufacturing enterprises, an example is clothes producers. Workers have this job temporaly, because they have an active job search where the future job have more monetary salary. The average productivity is very low and quality products inadequate for export markets, different to clothes manufacturing clustersas Gamarra (Lima, Perú). y-confecciones-cayeron-205
Others economic sectors have their people with labor stability, but low level salary, this salary do not  cover all life cost as education cost, house cost, transportation cost, and so on.
But not only monetary salary is only necessary in to company´s people, is necessary an excellent working environment, the modern enterprises need not a boss (similar to military tradition) if not a Leader, somebody that  the company´s people can be trust every day.
Some companies have been successful and achieved the positioning of their brands and products in a market that seeks daily goods and services that are provided at the lowest cost, best quality, greater customer satisfaction and expectations. Such organizations have managed to be competitive thanks to internal efforts, the valuable work that everyone put in their proper positions.

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